For the past six years that Valentine's Day has meant something to me, I've perceived and celebrated this ridiculous holiday a little bit differently. No matter if I'm single, taken, or somewhere in between, no matter who showers me with glamorous gifts and flowers, I've chosen to make Valentine's Day a day about others, more specifically, those other than my significant other. I believe that it doesn't take a nationally marked holiday for a couple to give to each other. Valentine's Day shouldn't be the reason for buying flowers or cooking a significant other breakfast in the morning. And Valentine's Day shouldn't be a day to have higher expectations of grand gestures for someone whom you care so much about. Giving should be a daily routine. My Valentine's Day celebration is a celebration of my love for friends, for family, for random people that I've come to appreciate but forgotten about over time. It's a day for baking cookies for people who least expect it; for sharing a laugh with those who aren't on the top of your list of priorities most of the time; for thanking those you take for granted; for loving those who are hardest to love. Rather than an excuse to buy extravagant gifts, party, or have sex in new positions, Valentine's Day is my excuse to bring smiles and a little more happiness to those who need it most.
I think that's how Christ sees not only Valentine's Day, but each and every day.
Happy Valentine's Day. <3>3>
Amy! wow, i am such a facebook stalker :P but cute post! made me smile :D see?
anyway, happy valentine's day to you, too!
Hoping that the spacing is not messed when posted =)
-For God so lo V ed the world,
-----That He g A ve
--------His on L y
--------Begott E n
------------So N
---------------T hat whosoever
-----Believeth I n Him
--------Should N ot perish
------But have E verlasting life
John 3:16
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